Monday, October 15, 2012

Let's Talk About Trees

Our team has been showing lots of homes lately to our buyers and we have noticed something that is just plain sad.  We have seen quite a number of homes between 10 to 20 years old that have no trees in the back yard.  None!  It would be understandable if the home was just a couple of years old since the costs involved in buying a home and furnishing it can be substantial.  But people have lived in these homes for a very long time.

So let’s talk about the value of trees.  Some aspects of trees are obvious.  They provide great shade in the hotter months when children want to play in the yard or you are having that ever popular backyard barbeque.  And they make a home feel much more relaxing because of their sheer beauty.  Flowering trees especially add color in the spring and summer and often emit a lovely fragrance.

But trees can also help cool the inside of the home.  If your home faces east/west, a tall tree in front of exterior windows can help to block some of the heat from the sun.  Coupled with a double pane window the rooms facing west can be more bearable in the afternoon or evening when the sun is beating down in the summer.

Trees can also act as a buffer to street noise if there is a busy street running behind your home.  In fact any tall shrubs will help to alleviate some of the noise from passing cars.  Add a water feature and you are even further ahead of the game.

So if you are living in a home that is lacking in trees, consider planting at least a couple in the proper season.  Check with your local home and garden store to find out the perfect time for planting and then go for it.  Your future buyer will thank you.

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